
Integration & Microservices

Integration & Microservices Online Certification Course - Learn with Acceleraton. Training institute in Pune & Kolkata
Course Info

Embark on a journey into the dynamic realm of microservices architecture with Acceleratron's Spring Boot Training Program, designed to benefit coders worldwide. Our carefully crafted course explores essential elements such as file handling and database connections. Immerse yourself in the details of Spring Boot architecture, master REST API development, and engage in hands-on projects. Join our cutting-edge training, extending its reach to Pune and Kolkata, as we elevate your skills for a prominent position in modern software development.
This course includes:

- Spring Boot Architecture
- SpringBoot Project
- Introduction with SOA & Microservices
- XSLT mapping
- XML structure
- Service governance
- SOA introduction
- Front-End Integration using React
- Learn to implement Swagger
- Use of annotations in Spring Boot
- Database Connection
- File Handling in Spring Boot

Enroll today and accelerate your journey to becoming a proficient and certified Microservices professional with Acceleratron's industry-driven curriculum. Elevate your skills and stay ahead in the dynamic world of software development.
By the end of this curriculum, candidates would be able to:

- Integrate front end UI with backend systems.
- How abstraction of services works with microservices?
- How does middleware or mediation layer work?
- How does data transfer happen with XML messages?
- How to create microservices with Java Springboot?