
Data Analytics

Data Analytics Online Certification Course - Learn with Acceleraton. Training institute in Pune & Kolkata
Course Info

Data Analytics consulting is a functional role that balances business and hardcore analytics with an aim to deliver value-added analytical solutions. In this course, you will learn to use data analytics to create actionable recommendations, as well as identify and manage opportunities where data-based decisions can be used to change the way you do business.

You will develop technical skills required to be a full stack Data Analytics Consultant:

- Business and Data Requirement Gathering
- Data Mining
- Data Cleaning
- Data Analysis
- Data Validation
- Data Visualization
- Automating the data delivery method

This course also focuses on developing an understanding to better gather client needs, developing innovative solutions, orchestrating the entire life cycle of the project and presenting the solution to the end-user. Problem framing and solving is an integral part of the course. This course is here to develop individuals with impeccable problem-solving techniques and communication skills with sound technical skills to provide the IT industry with top quality Data Consultants.