

Course Overview

In our comprehensive DevOps course, we go beyond breaking down silos between development and operations teams. We facilitate a holistic approach, merging these teams into a collaborative force capable of handling the entire application lifecycle. Our program empowers engineers to traverse seamlessly from development and testing to deployment and operations, cultivating a diverse skill set essential for thriving in a dynamic tech landscape. Led by industry experts, our Best-in-class content encompasses engaging videos, real-world cases, hands-on projects, thought-provoking assignments, and interactive live sessions. Specifically tailored to meet the evolving demands of the industry, the curriculum places a special emphasis on Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins. Participants will delve deep into these cutting-edge technologies, mastering their integration to achieve a robust automated architecture. Elevate your skills, build an impressive portfolio, and thrive in the DevOps paradigm with our expertly crafted course.

Acceleratron: Ignite Your Career with DevOps Excellence! Enroll Now for Top-tier DevOps Training and Certification. Elevate Your Expertise in Development and Operations for Career Growth.


Learning Outcomes

  • Install and configure Kubernetes (on your laptop / desktop or production grade cluster on AWS)
  • Use Docker Client (with kubernetes), kubeadm, kops, or minikube to setup your cluster
  • Be able to run stateless and stateful applications on Kubernetes
  • Use Healthchecks, Secrets, ConfigMaps, placement strategies using Node / Pod affinity / anti-affinity
  • Use StatefulSets to deploy a Cassandra cluster on Kubernetes
  • Add users, set quotas / limits, do node maintenance, setup monitoring
  • Use Volumes to provide persistence to your containers
  • Be able to scale your apps using metrics
  • Package applications with Helm and write your own Helm charts for your applications
  • Automatically build and deploy your own Helm Charts using Jenkins
  • Install and use kubeless to run functions (Serverless) on Kubernetes
  • Install and use Istio to deploy a service mesh on Kubernetes
  • Continuously Develop using Skaffold

Course Contents

Sr. No Learning Trail Objectives
Course introduction
Introduction to Kubernetes
Kubernetes basics
Advanced topics
Kubernetes Administration
Continuous development with Kubernetes
GitOps with kubernetes
Installing Kubernetes using EKS
On prem or cloud Agnostic Kubernetes
Course completion