
Agile Methodology:
Unleashing the Power of Iterative Development

Acceleratron: Online Agile Training in Pune,Kolkata


Agile is an approach to project management that deals with iterative and incremental steps that helps in the completion of a project. A short-term developmental steps have been carried out by the incremental part of a project. The approach helps in the quick delivery of projects, adapting of any change in the project, and collaboration which is more easy-going than top-down management or following a set plan.
The Agile methodology involves breaking down of projects into small, manageable pieces called Sprints which are typically two to four weeks in length. During each sprint, a cross-functional team works collaboratively to develop and deliver a working product increment that can be tested and reviewed by the customer.

How Agile Methodology Works?

The Agile methodology works by breaking down the development process into small, manageable pieces, called sprints, and focusing on delivering working software in each sprint.

Here are the key steps involved in the Agile development process:
  • Planning: The development team and stakeholders meet to plan the upcoming sprint. They define the goals, tasks, and priorities for the sprint, and estimate the amount of work involved.
  • Sprint: The development team works on the tasks identified in the planning meeting, with the goal of delivering working software at the end of the sprint.
  • Daily Stand-Up: The team holds a brief daily meeting to review progress, discuss any issues or roadblocks, and plan the day's work.
  • Review: At the end of the sprint, the team reviews the work that was completed, demonstrates the working software to stakeholders, and receives feedback.
  • Retrospective: The team holds a retrospective meeting to review the sprint process, identify areas for improvement, and make any necessary adjustments to the next sprint.
  • Repeat: The team repeats the cycle, starting with planning for the next sprint.

  • In the process, constant feedback is there which allows the team members to communicate with each other to mitigate any challenges. Agile methodology is based on the principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto, a set of a set of guiding values and principles for software development that gives the priority to individuals and interactions, working software, collaboration, and responding to change.

    What are the benefits of Agile over the Waterfall model?

    The Waterfall model is a linear, sequential approach to software development, where each phase must be completed before moving on to the next. This can lead to a slow and rigid development process, where it is difficult to make changes once a phase is complete.

    Agile has several benefits over the Waterfall model, including:
  • Flexibility: Agile is a more flexible approach to software development than the Waterfall model. Agile teams are able to adapt to changes in requirements or market conditions more quickly and easily, because they work in short development cycles and can make adjustments as needed.
  • Collaboration: Agile places a strong emphasis on collaboration among team members and with stakeholders. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals and that everyone has a say in the development process.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Agile puts a strong focus on delivering working software in each development cycle. This means that the customer is able to see progress and provide feedback throughout the development process, which helps ensure that the final product meets their needs and expectations.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: Because Agile teams work in short sprints and focus on delivering working software quickly, they are able to bring products to market faster than teams using the Waterfall model.
  • Continuous Improvement: Agile teams hold regular retrospectives to review their processes and identify areas for improvement. This ensures that the team is always learning and evolving, which leads to higher quality software and a more efficient development process.

  • Overall, Agile is better suited for projects that require flexibility, collaboration, customer involvement, and a faster time-to-market. While the Waterfall model may be better suited for projects with well-defined requirements and a stable environment, Agile is a more popular approach in today's fast-paced, rapidly changing business environment.

    Are you thinking to get started with the new way of working?

    You have come to the right place; we have come up with a comprehensive online course that will teach you everything you need to know about Agile from the scratch.

    In this course you will learn:
  • How Agile helps to reduce time to market, and adapt the progressive change in initial requirement without having any major impact.
  • Gain an understanding of Agile frameworks and learn about Scrum planning meetings and collaboration events.
  • Visualize your marketing execution details to scale delivery effectiveness.
  • Gain adaptability in delivery strategy planning and execution to changing priorities and requirements.
  • How Agile is the best choice for innovative product requirements where change may come rapidly at any point in time?
  • Build a collaborative and efficient work culture to reduce waste from a time and budget perspective.
  • Reduce corporate hierarchy which helps in better collaboration and efficient communication across the organization.
  • Improve your core delivery processes to help hit deadlines sooner.
  • And much more.....

  • This course has been designed for beginners who are enthusiastic to start their journey in the IT field but don't have prior experience. It also helps in providing knowledge for those students who want to refresh their knowledge and learn new tricks.
    And it will also help you to pass the Professional Scrum Master I Certification.

    By the end of this course, you can get various career opportunities in the fields of project management, software development, product management, and consulting.

    So what are you waiting for? Enroll Now in this course and start your journey towards becoming a career opportunist.